25/45 A technician for a shadowy tech firm whose devices allow for communication with the dead investigates both a murder case and a suicide looking for answers. As his mind begins to slip, he slowly starts to descend into obsession. unbroken dvdripdvd9 download
17/19 Queen of the Ring: An Inspiring Tale of Resilience and Triumph In the world of professional wrestling, few stories resonate as powerfully as that of Mildred Burke. Her journey from a struggling single mother to becoming the first million-dollar female athlete is nothing short of extraordinary. This captivating narrative not only showcases her remarkable […]
22/10 When a masked killer slaughters several tutors at a small-town summer camp, Sheriff Vince Cronin and Deputy Jo McCully follow the killer’s trail to a local diner, where they must contend with a motley crew of unruly patrons and staff to uncover the real killer. As the night wears on and tensions rise, the […]
20/45 Maya has just split from her long-term girlfriend and meets the enigmatic Hattie. Together they travel to Hattie’s house, and Maya is impressed with Hattie’s success and attitude towards life. They fall for each other, but soon, things begin to unravel as Maya realizes that Hattie is perhaps not who she says she is, […]
11/18 Un agriculteur en difficulté mise tout sur un pari à enjeux élevés pour le Super Bowl, tandis que les ambitions musicales de sa petite-fille pourraient être leur ticket pour un nouveau départ.
40/20 Fackham Hall: A Hilarious Take on Period Dramas If you are a fan of period dramas but are looking for a comedic twist, then “Fackham Hall” is the film for you. This upcoming release, scheduled for 2025, is a satirical homage to beloved classics like “Downton Abbey.” With its rapid-fire humor and clever writing, […]
25/37 Becoming Led Zeppelin: un tuffo nelle icone del rock Se sei ansioso di esplorare la genesi di una delle più grandi band della musica rock, potresti essere interessato al documentario intitolato Becoming Led Zeppelin. Questo film racconta la formazione del leggendario gruppo, offrendo uno sguardo intimo alle vite dei suoi membri prima che si […]
19/35 Automne et Jaguar noir : un voyage d’amitié et d’aventure Au cœur de la forêt amazonienne, un lien spécial se noue entre une jeune fille nommée Autumn et un bébé jaguar perdu qu’elle nomme Hope. Cette histoire touchante, « Automne et Jaguar noir », explore les thèmes de l’amitié, du courage et de la lutte contre […]
16/36 Der frühreife junge Mann Karin wird von seinem Vater im ländlichen Japan verlassen. Er lebt mit seinem Großvater in einem Tempel und trifft Anzu, eine riesige „Geisterkatze“ und berüchtigte Bewohnerin, die damit beauftragt ist, auf ihn aufzupassen. Karin ist ihrem neuen Vormund gegenüber misstrauisch, sabotiert Anzus Gelegenheitsjobs für die Stadtbewohner und freundet sich mit […]
39/36 Hâlâ Buradayım (2025): Güçlü Bir Anlatıya Derin Bir Bakış 1971’de Brezilya’nın kalbinde, bir ulus askeri diktatörlüğün boğucu pençesiyle boğuşmaktadır. Bu çalkantılı arka plana karşı çekilen “Hâlâ Buradayım” filmi, kayıp, dayanıklılık ve amansız insan ruhu hakkında dokunaklı bir keşif sunmaktadır. Marcelo Rubens Paiva’nın en çok satan anı kitabından uyarlanan bu sinematik eser, izleyicileri ailesi keyfi […]