44/43 Nosferatu 2024: Ein tiefer Einblick in einen Gothic-Horror-Klassiker Robert Eggers‘ kommender Film Nosferatu ist eine mit Spannung erwartete Neuinterpretation der klassischen Vampirgeschichte, die das Publikum seit Generationen fesselt. Die Gothic-Geschichte befasst sich mit dunklen Themen wie Besessenheit, Angst und dem Übernatürlichen und erforscht die schaurige Beziehung zwischen einer jungen Frau und dem furchteinflößenden Vampir, […]
35/35 Um veterano de guerra recorre a amigos do passado para caçar os responsáveis pela morte de sua filha. Ao longo do caminho, ele aprende mais sobre si mesmo do que esperava, enquanto uma organização criminosa violenta se desenrola em seu rastro. CAPTAIN WORLD BLURAY
25/22 Le journaliste primé Richard Foster abandonne l’empire commercial lucratif de sa famille pour créer la Global Harmony Foundation, un symbole de l’égalité et de l’unification. Alors que Foster et son équipe dévouée se préparent à une conférence mondiale sans précédent, leur mission est compromise par un réseau criminel redoutable avec son propre programme sinistre. […]
13/39 Herzlich eingeladen 2025: Eine lustige Hochzeitsverwechslung In einer herrlich komödiantischen Wendung konzentriert sich der kommende Film „Herzlich eingeladen 2025“ auf eine chaotische Situation, in der zwei Hochzeiten versehentlich am selben Tag am selben Ort geplant werden. Diese amüsante Prämisse schafft die Bühne für einen Wirbelsturm aus Gelächter, Familiendrama und unerwarteter Verbundenheit, während beide Hochzeitsgesellschaften […]
18/28 100 Candles Game: The Last Possession 2025 – Download Torrent The horror genre is set to receive an exciting new installment with the release of “100 Candles Game: The Last Possession.” Promising to combine supernatural elements with psychological thrills, this film has quickly become a topic of interest for horror fans and movie buffs […]
34/27 Alex è intrappolata in un ciclo di relazioni superficiali e legami tiepidi, ma viene catturata quando uno swipe sulla sua app di incontri la porta tra le braccia di un giovane misterioso e attraente, Kyle. Nonostante la loro notte di passione, quando sorge il sole, l’uomo misterioso non si trova da nessuna parte. Alex […]
44/18 Autumn and the Black Jaguar: A Journey of Friendship and Adventure Nel cuore della foresta pluviale amazzonica, si crea un legame unico tra una ragazzina di nome Autumn e un cucciolo di giaguaro smarrito che chiama Hope. Questa toccante storia, “Autumn and the Black Jaguar”, esplora i temi dell’amicizia, del coraggio e della lotta […]
45/35 You’re Cordially Invited 2025: A Hilarious Wedding Mix-Up In a delightful comedic twist, the upcoming film “You’re Cordially Invited 2025” centers around a chaotic situation where two weddings are accidentally scheduled for the same day at the same venue. This amusing premise sets the stage for a whirlwind of laughter, family drama, and unexpected […]
49/39 In 2014, BuzzFeed reporter Matt Stopera’s phone was stolen from a New York bar. A year later, photos of storefronts and a man next to an orange tree mysteriously appeared in his iPhoto feed. Matt wrote a story about it, which went viral overnight in China, where people identified the man as “Brother Orange.” […]
41/34 Led Zeppelin Olmak: Rock Efsanelerine Derin Bir Bakış Rock müzik dünyasında, çok az grup Led Zeppelin kadar ikonik bir statüye ulaşmıştır. Led Zeppelin Olmak belgeseli, bu efsanevi grubun oluşumuna ve yükselişine dair samimi bir bakış sunuyor. Röportajlar, performanslar ve daha önce hiç görülmemiş görüntüleri bir araya getiren film, grubun bilinmezlikten süperstarlığa uzanan yolculuğuna derinlemesine […]