23/31 After 20 years of absence, Odysseus (Raife Fiennes) appears on the shores of Ithaca, emaciated and unrecognizable. The king has returned from the Trojan War, but much has changed in his kingdom. His beloved wife Penelope (Juliette Binoche) is a prisoner in her own house and is being persecuted by suitors claiming the title […]
36/21 Parthenope, born in the sea of Naples in 1950, searches for happiness over the long summers of her youth, falling in love with her city and its many memorable characters.
16/13 Inspired by a true Hong Kong court case, THE PROSECUTOR follows the story of a man who falsely pleads guilty to drug trafficking after being framed. Despite the confession, the veteran cop-turned-prosecutor (Donnie Yen) assigned to the case is convinced of the man’s innocence and pursues his own investigation, risking both his career and […]
17/32 All entries contain spoilers The world's most famous superhero and comic books' most famous journalist face the pressures and complexities that come with balancing work, justice, and parenthood in today's society.. The pilot pays homage to "Action Comics" #1 (Superman’s debut) by depicting the hero’s original Golden Age costume for the first time in […]
11/34 Young Dexter Morgan turns into a vengeful serial killer.
21/23 Vincent marries Erica, planning to make her his victim, but discovers she is a Black Widow. A deadly game of survival begins.
41/16 A young girl is recruited to be a child soldier in the Colombian jungle and copes with her circumstances by using her imagination to journey to a magical realm.
23/31 George RR Nine noble families fight for control of the lands of Westeros, while an ancient enemy returns after a thousand years of slumber. Martin’s wife once said she would leave him if he killed Arya or Sansa. Hollywood’s Top Ten: Critics’ Choice Award Nominees: Drama (2011) Tywin Lannister: Any man who has to […]
29/15 Shelley (Pamela Anderson), a glamorous showgirl, must plan for her future when her show suddenly closes after 30 years of performing.
27/35 Eli, a child psychiatrist who, having recently lost his wife, meets a troubled young son who seems to have a haunting connection to Eli’s past; as Eli tries to help the boy, their mysterious bond deepens.